Artists American
Indian Artists' kiosks of Indian-made it.
Whitehorse Native American Traditional Art
PETE WHITEHORSE is Apache and Ohlone and is a Northern Traditional Dancer. He is originally from Las Cruces, New Mexico, but now
lives in California. He is a gifted artist who's art came naturally to him as a child and he was guided by his father and grandfather. Pete lives with his wife Christina, who
creates beautiful beaded jewelry, and with their 2 children.
Whitehorse creates custom made drums, Bows & Arrows, Eagle Staffs, Spirit
Masks, Medicine Wheels, Four Directions Wheels, and beaded & hand-etched gourd rattles, as well as, traditional tomahawk & bone pipes.


Spirit Mask


Black Spirit Mask, made with Deer antlers.






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 Home of Native American Jewelry, Tribal Artifacts, Indian Arts and Crafts
501 Slaters Lane Alexandria, Commonwealth of Virginia, USA (619) 994-4306